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BUILD UP Skills – Training Materials

The best practices of energy-efficient construction are presented in the following.

Energy Efficient Building – A Guide for Construction Site

The guide for construction sites summarises key instructions in energy-efficient building on construction sites. It can be used, for example, in induction training or in the kick-off meetings of special contracts. The illustrative drawings of Heidi Sumkin help to understand the information of the guide. It can be easily printed out as a whole or as individual two-sided instruction cards.

The guide is primarily intended for purposes of further education for professional employees, but it is also useful for all operators in the construction industry.

Energy Efficient Building – A Guide for Construction Site (pdf) (28.9 MB)

The Guide presents the critical phases of construction: the insulation of wooden walls with mineral wool, loose-fill mineral wool and plastic insulant, roof space insulation with mineral wool sheets and loose-fill mineral wool, insulation taping, insulation rendering, duct and pipe insulation, technical building services, window installations, and energy-efficient renovation.

Video series for energy-efficient construction

The educational videos demonstrate an authentic renovation process of a single-family house, aiming at halving the energy consumption of the house. Seven practical videos explore the importance of planning, ventilation and heat recovery, insulation, the installation and use of an air-source heat pump, control of room temperature, energy-efficiency tips, and the significance of monitoring.

The videos are available on YouTube in the Motiva channel. All seven videos have been compiled into a playlist called How to halve the energy bill of a single-family house?

Slide shows for energy-efficient construction

The material is aimed at those who already know something about construction. It can be used in classroom teaching or for self-study. The slide shows can be used as a whole, or suitable sections of the material can be used according to the need. The slide show materials were updated in 2019.

1_Sustainable_Construction_and_Training_Practices_Basics_2019 (pptx) (2 MB)
The basics focus on, e.g. why a construction site must be heated, the concept of the U value, the impacts of humidity and airing on the drying times of structures, and the calculation of the drying times of concrete.

2_Sustainable_Construction_and_Training_Practices_Weather_shielding_2019 (pptx) (8.7 MB)
With good climate control of the building site, concrete is reinforced, structures are dried and the buildings will be healthy. Scheduling, sufficient site protection, heating and ventilation, and monitoring and controls play a key role.

3_Sustainable_Construction_and_Training_Practices_Condition_control_2019 (pptx) (1.6 MB)
Complicated and slowly drying structures and distortions caused by damp have an impact on the drying of structures. Correct airing, ventilation and driers, as well as good planning guarantee a good end result.

4_Sustainable_Construction_and_Training_Practices_Timber_wood_house_2019 (pptx) (3.1 MB)
Implementation of airtight structures and joints in residential buildings – air pockets and the installation of vapour barriers, wind screens and thermal insulation.

5_Sustainable_Construction_and_Training_Practices_Stone_houses_2019 (pptx) (1.9 MB)
In energy-efficient stone structures, particular attention shall be paid to hermetic sealing of structures and the installation of plastic insulants. The connection of earth-contact slabs and the outer wall and the presentation of work stages with the connection of wooden roofing and stone structures.

6_Sustainable Construction - Insulation and sealing works 2020 (pptx) (4.3 MB)
Pipe lead-throughs and their insulation, flue ducts, and the work stages of electrical installations and lead-throughs. NEW!

7_Sustainable_Construction_and_Training_Practices_Energy_renovations_of_the_structures_2019 (pptx) (2.7 MB)
Economically viable energy renovations, avoiding damp and microbe damages, and extra thermal insulation.

8_Sustainable Construction - Building services installations 2020 (pptx) (7.1 MB)
Signs of poor indoor air, maintenance of ventilation machines, and energy-efficiency of the heat distribution system. NEW!

9_Sustainable Construction - Energy efficienct maintenance and repair of building services 2020 (pptx) (2.9 MB)
Ventilation, indoor air and heating, building technology installations, and the adjustment and commissioning of building technology. NEW!

10_Sustainable Construction - Quality assurance 2020 (pptx) (2.3 MB)
Significance of co-operation between the contractor, planner, work supervision and employees. Quality requirements and the checklists for installations of insulants, wind screens, seals, windows and building technology lead-throughs. NEW!

The material is free of charge and available to everyone

When using the material, remember to cite the source (BUILD UP Skills Finland project and Tampere University of Technology). The authors are solely responsible for the contents of the publications. The BUILD UP Skills Finland project is mainly funded by the IEE programme of the European Commission.

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The sole responsibility for the content of this webpage lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

BUILD UP Skills BEEP (IEE-database)

Page last updated 10.2.2021