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Transport and Mobility

Traffic is responsible for approximately a fifth of Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions. The exhaust emissions of traffic also impair local air quality. This is particularly true in urban areas with heavy traffic. The public sector plays a decisive role in the development of the traffic system.

Getting the emissions of local traffic under control, introducing efficiency to transport procurements

Municipalities can have a significant influence on the reduction of traffic emissions, given that planning and community planning, and the procurement of transport services, have an impact on traffic volumes and emissions. Improving the conditions for walking, cycling and public transport is important.

Traffic management can also increase the smoothness of traffic, and the procurement of transport services allows for influencing the energy use and emissions of transportation. Residents can also be encouraged towards energy efficient mobility, such as cycling or economic driving techniques, with the help of communication and marketing means.

Energy efficient commuting in the public sector

Municipalities, cities and other public sector operators can also, in their capacity as employers, influence the mobility modes of their own personnel. The goal is to steer the personnel’s commuting and work-related trips to a more eco-friendly and energy efficient direction.

Page last updated 29.2.2024