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You Can Save Energy Easily

Energy conservation is not rocket science, but everyday insights related to living, mobility and consumption, and the adoption of living and consumption habits that support sensible energy consumption. Electricity and heat are needed to make our homes healthy, functional and comfortable. You can still compromise on unnecessary consumption.

By rule of thumb, you could say that nearly every household can easily reduce electricity consumption by 10 per cent merely by changing their living and consumption habits. Houses with electric heating can yield considerably bigger savings.

As a resident of apartment block, you are responsible for your apartment’s electricity consumption and, together with the housing company, for the consumption of heating, water and property electricity. If you live in a detached house, increasing the efficiency of energy use is entirely up to you.

Know your consumption and start saving electricity

Saving electricity is easy when you know you own consumption and can identify your opportunities for saving. After that, it is time to make decisions and adopt living habits that conserve energy. And you will still not have to rough it.

Picture. Do you know how much electricity is spent in your home?

The easiest way to find out is to go to your power company’s online service, which will show you the level of consumption up to an hour. The monitoring and control systems offered by energy companies for a charge provide the chance for even more minute and real-time monitoring.

A consumption meter allows you to measure the electricity consumed by devices and appliances. Borrow a meter from a power company or a library. Measuring device electricity is particularly important when you suspect that an aged refrigerator of wasting wattage.

Everyday methods to reduce consumption:
  • Buy electricity and heating produced with renewable energy.
  • Control room temperatures smartly, make use of automation.
  • Use public transport, cycle and walk short distances.
  • Reduce the use of foodstuffs of animal origin in cooking and avoid food loss.
  • Switch off appliances and lights when they are not needed.
  • Use car and equipment rental services and sharing schemes.

Page last updated 29.2.2024