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A Property’s Energy Use

The appropriate use and maintenance of a property has a material effect on the efficiency of energy use. A professional, active and motivated property management staff is a prerequisite for the management of the property’s energy economy. The property’s users also have an effect on how much energy is consumed.

Tools for increasing the efficiency of a property’s energy use

Energy audits

An energy audit creates the basis for measures aiming to increase the efficiency of a property’s energy use. The audit reviews the locations in which energy is consumed and the means by which to increase the efficiency of energy use.

Consumption monitoring

A property’s consumption monitoring enables the management of target-oriented energy use. Continuous monitoring is necessary for a familiarity with the consumption level and an ability to detect changes in consumption and discover the reason for changes.

Standardisation of consumption

To make a property’s energy consumption in varying circumstances comparable, it must be standardised with the help of heating degree days. If the standardised consumption contains variation between years or in comparison to the average level of equivalent buildings, the reasons for this should be investigated and the remedial measures undertaken.

Basic regulation of the heating network

In the basic regulation of a building’s heating network, a heating network with circulating water is adjusted to function in the planned way. The basic regulation ensures that the temperature in all rooms accords with the plan. Suitable temperatures increase living comfort and save energy.

The energy efficiency of air conditioning systems

The energy efficiency of air conditioning systems is particularly important in commercial, office and care sector buildings which have air conditioning or, in other words, a ventilation system that includes cooling or some other system meant for cooling the premises.

Guidance for property users

The property’s users need information, incentives and motivation on how they can avoid unnecessary energy consumption and influence the increased efficiency of the property’s energy use through practical measures of their own. The properties of municipalities are nevertheless also in the frequent use of people other than the municipality’s personnel. This is why the people who use the premises in the evenings, for example, should be provided with guidance on energy efficient ways to operate.

Page last updated 29.2.2024