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Sustainable Consumption and Purchases

Electrical devices and appliances account for roughly 30 per cent of household electricity consumption. Purchase decisions have far-reaching effects, given that the operating costs of a device or appliance may rise even above its purchase price.

Buy electrical devices and appliances only when it is necessary – many of them can be rented or borrowed for short-term use. If you do decide to buy the device or appliance, invest in quality, durability, eco-friendly materials and energy efficiency. Buy quality products and appliances that can be serviced and repaired.

Read the manual carefully. It will provide detailed information on energy saving options as well as tips and instructions on how to use the appliance or device safely and reliably. By installing, using and maintaining it in the correct way, you can increase its useful years.

There are alternatives for buying and owning things. Regarding gifts, give time, services and experiences. Favour rental services or new sharing schemes and neighbourhood help services.

Sort and recycle

Ensure the appropriate recycling of things that are no longer in use. Intact or repairable and still serviceable appliances, items and clothes can be offered to second-hand stores or flea markets or in Facebook’s recycling groups.

Damaged and energy guzzling appliances, such as old refrigerators, belong in the collection points for scrap electronic and electrical appliances. This enables the recovery and recycling of valuable materials.

Find out the sorting instructions of your locality and the locations of collection points for different kinds of waste.

Do you know your carbon footprint? You can reduce it effectively by cutting down on the use of private cars and overseas travel. The easiest way to do it is to start buying electricity and heating produced with renewable energy. Pay attention to your food choices as well.

(Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE)

With your choices you communicate the importance of considering energy efficiency and the environment to shopkeepers, manufacturers and electricity producers.

Energy labelling

The common energy labelling of EU countries indicates the energy efficiency of household appliances on a scale of A–G. The best appliances are labelled A++ and A+++.

The appliance’s energy consumption indicated in the energy labelling has been measured in laboratory conditions. The appliance’s use and placement always have an impact on real consumption. In addition, the labelling provides appliance-specific details on performance, size, power and technology. In Finland, the label’s use is monitored by The Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes).

Nordic Ecolabel and EU Ecolabel

The labels help consumers choose products and services that are better for the environment. The criteria for licensing both labels examines the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle. In Finland, the labels are licensed by Ecolabelling Finland.

Page last updated 29.2.2024