- The services sector is composed of public and private services. The largest sector, measures by floor area, is the commercial sector (31.4 mill. m2 in 2022). The volume of warehouses (25.7 mill. m2) and offices (20.3 mill. m2) is large and these can be found both in the public and private sectors. Educational facilities make up a large floor area in the public sector (22.7 mill. m2); the building volume is about double compared to the health services.
- In 2022, final energy consumption of the services sector in Finland was 38 TWh, i.e., about 13% of the total.
- Energy consumption for space heating in the public and private service sector buildings was 19 TWh in 2021. Also, electricity consumption in the sector was 19 TWh.
- Energy consumption by services has grown by 33% in 2000–2022 (without normalization for weather). Floor area of the services sector increased by 54% over the same period. Growth took place in all sectors but was most profound in the commercial sector where floor area grew by 59%.

Figure 1. Index development of (2000 = 100) final energy consumption and floor area of the services sector in 2000–2022.
Note! Click on the image to enlarge it.
The figure two shows the final energy consumption of the services sector in 2000 and 2021, and an analysis of factors which have affected the observed change in consumption (so-called decomposition analysis).
- Final energy consumption increased by 8.9 TWh over the study period.
- Weather increased energy consumption by 1.0 TWh.
- Activity level of the services sector is measured by changes in value added. This would have increased energy consumption by 7.9 TWh, all other things equal.
- Energy efficiency measures saved 4.0 TWh. The weakness of the analysis behind this result is that it is calculated by energy consumption per employee, which does not measure energy efficiency.
- Change in productivity, measured as value added per employee, increased consumption by 3.8 TWh.
- Other factors, such as changes in consumer behaviour, increased consumption by 0.2 TWh.

Figure 2. Decomposition of final energy consumption of services in 2000–2021.
Source: Odyssee Database
Note! Click on the image to enlarge it.