At a Glace
Statistical information given on this and sectoral subpages is collected from Statistics Finland’s latest data concerning a full statistical year. At the moment, final data is available for energy supply and consumption in 2022.The energy balance of Finland:
- In 2022, the total energy supply in Finland was about 1,305,000 terajoules (TJ), i.e., about 363 terawatt hours. The three largest energy sources were renewables and biofuels, oil and nuclear power.
- The final energy consumption was about 970,000 terajoules (269 TWh). Of this, industry sector was the largest energy user, followed by households, and transport.
- Energy conversion and transmission losses were about 277,000 terajoules (77 TWh).

Picture 1. Total Energy Supply and Final Energy Consumption (TJ) in 2022.
Source: Eurostat energy balance submission by Statistics Finland. Data in the submission differs from data on other subpages due to variations in statistical definitions.
Energy efficiency improvements
The most important energy efficiency measures in Finland are the Voluntary Energy Efficiency Agreements. Other measures with significant energy savings are building codes, measures addressing cars and eco-design requirements for products.Energy efficiency measures implemented in industries, energy industries, municipalities as well as in property and building sector in decreased Finland’s annual energy consumption by about 26 terawatt hours (TWh) by the end of 2022.
Energy savings from building norms for new and renovated buildings and energy aid have been estimated at 9.2 TWh in 2022, when considering changes to the norms in 2003 and thereafter. Additional savings from heat pumps were about 7.6 TWh 2022.
Energy savings from cars are estimated at 4.5 TWh in 2020 considering emission norms after 2009, fuel and car taxation and information measures. There is no updated evaluation estimate but, due to more stringent emission norms and electric cars becoming more common, energy savings in 2022 were at least at 2000 level.
Energy efficiency improvements from equipment, appliances and lighting due to eco-design requirements were estimated to save 38 TWh in 2022 compared to development without the requirements.
The total energy saving impact of these, and a few other measures, has been estimated at about 90 TWh in 2022.
Energy saving impact from energy efficiency agreements is based on the results of a monitoring system, measures in the building sector have been estimated by SYKE and Motiva (heat pumps), and in transport by VTT while the impact of eco-design has been estimated in the Nordic Nordcrawl Project.
The share of renewable energy sources in electricity and district heating production:
- The share of electricity produced by renewable energy has increased significantly. In 2000, this proportion was 34%. In 2022, renewable energy already accounted for over half (54%) of Finland's electricity production. Relatively, the share of renewable energy increased by almost 60% between 2000 and 2022.
- The share of renewable energy in district heating has grown even more sharply than in electricity production. In 2000, 12% of district heating production was produced by renewable energy, while in 2022 this share was 49%. Relatively, the share of renewables in district heating has more than tripled between 2000 and 2022.

Picture 2. The share of renewables in electricity and district heat production in 2000 and 2022.