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Total Energy Consumption

Total energy consumption in 2023 (provisional data)
  • 1 316 PJ (366 TWh, 31.4 Mtoe)
  • 235 GJ / capita (65.2 MWh / capita, 5.61 toe / capita)
Total energy consumption in 2022
  • 1 294 PJ (360 TWh, 30.9 Mtoe)
  • 233 GJ / capita (64.6 MWh / capita, 5.55 toe / capita)
According to Statistics Finland’s preliminary data, total energy consumption in 2023 amounted to 1.32 million terajoules (TJ), which was two per cent more than in the previous year. Domestic production of electricity grew significantly in 2023, as net imports of electricity decreased to a fraction of the previous year's level. Among domestic production, the volumes of nuclear power, wind power and hydro power grew most. Less fossil fuels were consumed than one year ago, which was also visible as a fall in carbon dioxide emissions.

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Energy supply and consumption [online publication]. Reference period: 31.12.2023. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 19.4.2024].
Access method:

Picture 1. Energy Use in Finland by Source in 2023.

Picture 2. Total Use of Energy in Finland by Source in 2022 and 2023.

Picture 3. Total Energy Consumption by Energy Source 1990-2023.

Page last updated 30.4.2024