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Comparison calculator for the heating options of detached houses

Comparison calculator
for the heating options of
detached houses >>

(Motiva, Kesto, JAMK)

The calculator for comparing the heating methods for a detached house was designed to help you compare different methods of heating. The calculator aims to provide impartial and comparable information on different heating methods and their costs. It also aims to provide comprehensive information about heating methods, instead of individual equipment or parts of systems.

In addition to cost data, the calculator provides descriptions of the properties of different heating methods. The calculator’s main target group consists of the builders of new detached houses and the renovators of old houses. The given guideline values have been aimed at detached houses and the pre-completed information aim to correspond with the average costs and operating values of the heating methods for new detached houses. In principle, the calculator can nevertheless be used for buildings of other sizes and types as well.

Page last updated 29.2.2024