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BUILD UP Skills Finland – Improved Quality and Competence in Construction

BUILD UP Skills Finland has aimed to implement a quality-driven training and change process in construction and to help achieve the ambitious energy efficiency objectives of the construction industry.

The second stage of the project, running from Oct 2013 to March 2016, launched the implementation of the roadmap drawn up in spring 2013.

Result-oriented final report on BUILD UP Skills Finland

Best Energy Efficient Construction and Training Practices, (BUILD UP Skills BEEP)
The final publishable report contains the main results and achievements of the BUILD UP Skills Finland project as well as conclusions and recommendations.

BUILD UP Skills Finland 2013-2016 – Report (pdf) (10.2 MB)

The key measures of the project are:
  • collecting and documenting the best practices in energy-efficient construction,
  • producing training material based on the best practices,
  • planning further training schemes and organizing pilot training courses in order to develop the expertise and skills of trainers and workforce in the construction industry,
  • coordinating the implementation of the road map and actively communicating on the project measures and results to stakeholders.
The project has played a part in supporting national policies on promoting energy efficiency in construction and the development of energy efficiency competence.

Training materials in different forms and in five languages

The best practices of energy-efficient construction have been gathered into Powerpoint presentations in five languages. Consisting of ten different subject areas, the ppt-material is suited for class room teaching as well as for self-learning.

The language versions of the materials (Finnish, Swedish, Estonian, English and Russian) are accessible online.

Energy-efficient construction – pilot training courses

The material for energy-efficient construction created in the project was tested and introduced in pilot training for teachers and workers. The two, two-day pilot training courses for teachers were held in January and September 2015.  

The three training courses for workers were held in February, March and April of 2016. Work Efficiency Institute, TTS was responsible for developing the course concept and organising the training courses.

On-site training ambassador

Risto Tenhunen was elected as the advocate of the materials and new practices in the project. The on-site training ambassador activities were launched in early 2015. Risto liaised with and visited worksites, companies and partner events presenting new discoveries in energy-efficient construction within the project.

Project partners' roles

The project is carried out in cooperation between Motiva Services Ltd, Tampere University of Technology TUT and TTS Work Efficiency Institute.

TUT has strong theoretical and practical expertise in construction, building physics and renovation. TUT will lead the work on best practices that will provide the material for teaching materials for teachers and education materials and methods of construction sites. 

TTS is a research and training organisation specialising in sustainable construction, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and will provide the leadership in the preparation of teaching methods and materials and training of teachers.

The project is coordinated and managed by Motiva Services Ltd, a subsidiary of Motiva Ltd, which is an independent and nationally active expert and service organisation in energy and material efficiency. Motiva has wide experience in EU projects. Besides managing the project, Motiva Services will lead the coordination and accompanying measures in the project. Motiva Services is responsible for communications, coordination of roadmap implementation and stakeholder collaboration.

Further information about the project:

Project Fact Sheet – Best Energy Efficient Construction and Trainig Practices – BUILD UP Skills BEEP – Appendix 2 (pdf) (54.8 KB)

Project Summary Slides – BUILD UP Skills BEEP – Appendix 3 (pdf) (494.8 KB)

Motiva Group Ltd

Irmeli Mikkonen, tel. +358 40 700 1466 

Harri Heinaro, tel. +358 50 913 3679 

Motiva Group is an expert company promoting efficient and sustainable use of energy and materials. Its services are utilised by the public administration, businesses, communities, and consumers.

Tampere University of Technology TUT

Olli Teriö, Tampere University of Technology TUT, tel. +358 40 849 0295

Tampere University of Technology is at the leading edge of technology development and a sought-after collaboration partner among the scientific and business communities. The University produces competent graduates who enter careers in the different sectors of society.

Work Efficiency Institute TTS

Minna Kuusela, Work Efficiency Institute TTS, tel. +358 44 714 3695

TTS is a research, development and training institute.The TTS serves companies, information services, government authorities, private and institutional households and research and educational institutions.

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Page last updated 24.7.2017