Materials Efficiency
The private sector and business circles will find it worth their while to promote materials efficiency, since it has a direct bearing on costs, competitiveness and the realisation of corporate social responsibility.Materials efficiency generates savings in all sectors of society
Increasing the efficiency of the use of materials will also generate considerable savings to the public sector. Due to its substantial purchasing power, the public sector furthermore plays an important role in guiding service providers and suppliers towards more materials efficient production.Consumers and households play a key role in creating demand for material efficient products and services. Consumers can advance the sustainable use of natural resources by, among other things, deliberating their purchases, buying sustainable products and reducing the generation of waste.
The sufficiency of natural resources is becoming an increasingly important issue, on a global scale. The limited volume of non-renewable natural resources and the environmental impact of growing production and consumption require us to use all means at our disposal to promote materials efficiency.
Material efficiency means that competitive products and services are produced using less material inputs while harmful impacts are minimized during the life cycle.
Motiva develops services, tools and operating methods to promote
materials efficiency particularly for businesses and the public sector.