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The Group’s Ethical Guidelines

The Group’s ethical guidelines are based on our values as well as on the principles of responsible business operations and the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights. In our operations, we honour the universal human rights defined in the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights and promote their realisation in our operating environment.

The company considers universal human rights to include freedom of thought, to express opinions, religion and peaceful assembly and to be free of discrimination based on race, age, nationality, gender or sexual orientation. We do not accept the use of forced or child labour or any other violations of human rights.

Motiva complies with local laws and regulations in all of its activities, and does not condone unlawful activities.

Customers and partners

Motiva forbids corruption and bribery in all of its activities. The company or a person in the company’s employment may not pay or offer bribes nor make or accept illegal payments. We encourage all of our partners to comply with ethically sound principles, and we treat all of our collaborative partners fairly and equally. When necessary, we request assurance that our partners’ business operations meet these criteria.

Motiva does not support political parties or their candidates, political groups or other ideological activity.

Our employees

We treat all employees fairly and equally, in accordance with our equality plan.

The personnel is expected to advance the company’s interests and operate responsibly. A person employed by Motiva may not compete with the company. The disclosure of confidential customer or other information to third parties is strictly forbidden, as is the use of such information contrary to the company’s interests.

Every employee is responsible for complying with the ethical principles in their daily work. Motiva employees must avoid situations in which the company’s interests are in conflict with the employee’s personal interests. Employees may not use their position in the company or the information they have received as a result of their position or assets that are the company’s property for the pursuit of personal gain.

Motiva Group’s email address is

Motiva Group's Ethical Guidelines (pdf) (67.4 KB)

Motiva’s CEO is responsible for updating these guidelines. The guidelines in English have been translated from the original guidelines in Finnish.

Page last updated 29.2.2024