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Materiaalitori allows you to recycle waste and side streams

Materiaalitori is intended for the professional exchange of waste and production side streams from companies and organisations. Materiaalitori also allows searching for and offering related services, such as waste management and specialist services. Those working in the field can use Materiaalitori transparently and free of charge.

Materiaalitori accelerates the circular economy and increases transparency
The circular economy is about maximising the retention of materials and their value in the cycle for as long as possible. Using recycled materials can help reducing the consumption of natural resources.

One of the main goals of the Materiaalitori service is to promote the circular economy and the recovery of waste and side streams by providing operators in the field with a meeting place that enables those offering and needing recycled materials to find each other. Forming such industrial symbioses is a requirement for recycling materials.

Materiaalitori is used to bring together the material streams originating from Finland visibly to one site to create new ways to use the materials and ensure that more and more materials are recovered. Developing such a recycling market is key to also increasing the value of recycled materials. Recycling materials should be increasingly perceived as valuable raw materials to ensure that they are circulated for as long as possible.

A further aim is to create transparency in the use of the supplementary waste management service provided by municipalities, on which provisions are issued in the Waste Act, and indicating the lack of other service provision which is a prerequisite for obtaining the service.

NB! The reformed Waste Act entering into force on 1 January 2020 requires those waste holders whose need for their municipality’s supplementary waste management services exceeds EUR 2,000 in value to use the Materiaalitori service. This requirement will apply to public waste holders, i.e. procurement units, as of 1 January 2021.

Who can use the service?

Any organisation with a business ID producing or utilising waste or side streams or offering related services can use Materiaalitori. Certain authorities can also use the service for managing their statutory duties. The service is not intended for private individuals, at least at this initial stage.

Your organisation may be interested in using the Materiaalitori service if:
  • your activities produce waste or side streams that can be recovered
  • you are looking for waste management services or specialist services in the field
  • you are offering waste management services or specialist services in the field
  • you are searching for recovered materials
  • you might need the service based on the municipality’s supplementary obligation
  • you are offering the service based on the municipality’s supplementary obligation
  • you monitor or oversee the municipality’s service operations (authority)

Persons registering to the system must hold a permit from a person in their organisation with authority to sign to use the service in their company’s name. Verification must also be provided.

Contact information and support:
tel. +358 9 6122 5080

Service provider:
Ministry of the Environment
Aleksanterinkatu 7
PO Box 35, 00023
Switchboard: +358 295 16 001 (government switchboard)
Registry: +358 952 50 300
Fax: +358 (0)9 1603 9320

Service maintained by:
Motiva Oy
tel. +358 (0)9 6122 5000

Motiva Oy
Senior Expert Ilkka Hippinen
tel. +358 50 354 1110

Logos and graphical guidelines:
Motiva Oy
kommunikationsplanerare Tiina Rintanen
tel. +358 50 467 9382

Page last updated 13.1.2022